📌 (WIP) - These are some initial suggestions for the trial period, but hope we can finalize this collaboratively to find what works best for both of us!
🏔 Goals
- Get a high fidelity feel for what it would be like to work together
- Determine if we enjoy working together
- Determine if we collaborate well
- Decide if we would like to work together for a longer period of time
📝 Details
Initial thoughts (very much open to suggestions here!):
6 week trial
- Planned check-in at end of 3 weeks
- Although I expect it will be clear in our day-to-day conversations how it is going, can have pre-planned time set up to evaluate halfway through
- (Of course) either party can "pull the plug" at any time with no hard feelings
- At end of 6 weeks, goal would be to make one of three decisions:
- ✅ Let's move forward as full-time cofounders
- ❌ Let's amicably go separate ways
- ⏰ We need more time to come to a conclusion
- By working together for a fairly significant amount of time each week, my hope is that we will have a clear picture of what a partnership might look like in a relatively short amount of time